If I was given the chance to change his name I would name him “Brat simpson”. He is the naughtiest kid I have ever seen in my entire life. He is kind of homer when he was a kid but just smarter. He is the 1st child of homer and marge. The greatest enemy of his life is his sister Lisa. Even though he thinks his sister to be his greatest enemy he still loves her somewhere deep inside. How do I know? There are episodes where in he helps his sister till she succeeds or in some episodes he buys gifts to really make her happy( though lastly it turns out to be a mistake) . He never obeys anyone but his own mind. He never likes studying. All the teachers in his school ‘springfield elementary’ are fed up of him. I am not talking about punishing him really badly, I am taking about killing him.
He even though is bullied by the big kids, is disliked by almost all the kids, uses his head and brings adventures to his life. He has a brain if used for good purposes would yield another Thomas alva edision. Unfortunately the only thing for which he uses his head is to trouble everyone. He dosen’t spare anyone not even ‘Flenders’. Flender is one of the good characters in the series. He is the kind of person who if slapped on one cheek would give you another cheek to be hit upon. We can call him Mahatma Gandhi of the series. Well, as we were talking about Bart, in one of the episodes he becomes a kids tv star, in the other he becomes the most intelligent person alive- I mean really intelligent ( it was due to a pill which was under trial to focus kids like him towards the academic path) but he turns out to be a Psycho in the end, in the next one he is alone in home when he tricks his parents to leave home for around 2 wks (the 1st thing he dose is to bath, than he eats food like a good kid and goes to bed early)- if his parents had forced him to do that he would have watched television till the morning etc.
After all the episodes I came out with a conclusion that all the kids around the world act like Bart- naughty and disobedient. One thing I found about him is that he is a brainy maniac. He will surely turnout to be a big shot as he grows up in his life.