The family consists of the head (Homer Simpson), his wife (Marz), their son ( Bart) and two daughters (Lisa and magi). The cartoon relates to a family who live in a place called 'Spring field'. There are many other characters who can be described according to their nature like Aapu, Moa, Nelson etc. The series dosen't allow us to use our brains. It is one of those programmes which is seen and forgotten but the best part of watching it is that you can relieve your tension which you have acquired during the hard days work. You are allowed to laugh as much as you can throughout the programme. You may even choke on your own sputum. In each part, the series comes up with something new. There may be shown some violence like in the show inside the show called ' Itchy and scratchy show' but it turns out to be all right at the end.I don't know if the kids watch the show, but in my opinion the show is targeted to the adult viewers rather than the kids, due to its content. Its not because of the violence or sex materials or something, its because the kids have tendency towards acting out what they hear or see. The show is for refreshment and not for imitation. If the kids start to imitate the show than they can turn out to be dumbest creatures alive on the planet. So, be a grown ups and do not allow your kids to see the series unless you really want your kids to entertain you like the characters in the series. On the other hand if the adults watch it ,than you may be able to avoid the dumb thing you are doing in your daily lives by watching the characters in the series and their dumbness.
Each day I will be describing one character at a time from today onwards. Anyone interested can add up things they like. I would be glad to renew my articles.